Publications & Press
How CarbonTag closes the gap between sustainable attitudes & behaviour
More and more people are increasing their awareness of climate protection and developing sustainable views. However, many still find it difficult to put this into practice. To close this gap…

Does a label in the supermarket encourage people to buy sustainable products? These three students tested it.
Many people want to shop sustainably, but often stand at a loss in the supermarket. A new label shows at a glance whether food is good or bad for the climate. Does it work?

How much climate does a muesli bar cost?
Presumably Marcia, Jasper and Leonardo would be sitting together in a London café and discussing how to get more people to pour oat milk into their coffee instead of cow’s milk. But in Corona times it drove them apart.

Climate protection at the supermarket checkout
In the supermarket there is half a kilo of New Zealand kiwis in a plastic tray for two or three euros. Their price alone says little about the climate impact of the well-travelled fruit. This is where…

From grassroots to government: How students' simple idea grew into a major project
What started as a simple idea between a group of students at King’s may soon be helping to shape a change in policy for business and governments alike…

This is Z2X
Z2X is a series of events by ZEIT ONLINE and a community of young visionaries aged 20 to 29. We exchange ideas that make our lives or the world better. Once a year we meet at the big Z2X festival…