How are the GHG Emissions Calculated?

At CarbonTag, we calculate GHG emissions using a comprehensive and detailed bottom-up approach. We break down every data point into as many sub-data points as possible to ensure accuracy and completeness.


Our methodology complies with and goes beyond all relevant GHG accounting standards, including the GHG Protocol and the ISO 14064 standard.


Our scope encompasses every step along the supply chain of products, from cradle to grave, to provide a holistic assessment of emissions.


Each data point is individually researched and backed by a scientific source, and we assign a reliability score to ensure the credibility of our calculations. Our calculation methodology is reviewed and approved by LCA experts.

Is CarbonTag a Non-Profit Organisation?

Yes, CarbonTag operates as a non-profit organization under CarbonTag CIC to effectively pursue its primary mission of tackling climate change and to ensure that it benefits society. 

CarbonTag has also established a Limited Company controlled by the CarbonTag nonprofit board, to be able to raise investment and help fulfill its mission. 

Where is CarbonTag Based?​

CarbonTag’s headquarters are located in London. However, the company also has a strong presence and extensive network in Germany, reflecting its commitment to fostering international collaboration and extending its reach in the fight against climate change

What are the Advantages of Using CarbonTag’s Services?

Smart Solution
Our tool uses Al to provide our clients with the most useful and up to date insights about their product emissions.


Our solution drastically shortens the traditional timeline, delivering what would have taken months in hours.


Precision & Transparency
Carbon Tag provides the most precise and transparent product emission analytics available— every data point is backed by a scientific source.


Our product has been tested and discussed with companies like:
– foodloose
– Knärzje
– Nestlé
– followfood


Our basic and more advanced offerings are considerably cheaper than consulting services, allowing more business to benefit from product emission analytics.


Immediate Accessibility
Our product has gone through its alpha-testing phase, and it is ready to go to market.

Our tool was practically tested in a field study with Alnatura and King’s College London, the results showed a 9.5% emission reduction and a 20.1% revenue increase for labelled products.

Why Should I Measure My Product’s Carbon Footprint?

Measuring your company’s carbon footprint is essential for several reasons:

1. Environmental Responsibility: Understanding your company’s carbon footprint helps you identify the areas where you have the most significant environmental impact. This knowledge enables you to implement targeted strategies to reduce emissions and showcase your commitment to sustainability.

2. Regulatory Compliance: Many jurisdictions require companies to report their greenhouse gas emissions as part of their environmental regulations. Accurate measurement of your carbon footprint helps ensure compliance with these requirements.

3. Cost Savings: By identifying and targeting areas with high emissions, you can often find opportunities to reduce energy consumption, waste, and overall operational costs.

4. Reputation and Brand Image: Demonstrating a commitment to sustainability can improve your company’s reputation and brand image, attracting environmentally conscious customers, investors, and employees.

5. Competitive Advantage: Companies with a lower carbon footprint can differentiate themselves from competitors and position themselves as leaders in sustainability, which can be a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

6. Risk Management: Understanding your company’s carbon footprint allows you to better anticipate and manage potential risks, such as regulatory changes or fluctuations in energy prices, which can impact your business operations.

Does CarbonTag Focus on a Particular Sector?​

Yes, CarbonTag concentrates its efforts primarily on the food sector, as it accounts for approximately one-third of global emissions. Not only does the food sector encompass the highest number of consumer decisions compared to other industries, but it also plays a pivotal role in climate change mitigation.


Furthermore, at CarbonTag, we prioritize quality over attempting to cover all sectors simultaneously. By focusing on the food sector, we can deliver exceptionally accurate and reliable emissions calculations, ultimately driving a more significant and meaningful impact in the fight against climate change.

Is the Data Provided by Our Clients Secure?​

Absolutely, at CarbonTag, we take data security very seriously. We employ robust security measures and best practices to ensure the protection of our clients’ sensitive information.


Our systems and infrastructure are designed to prevent unauthorized access, maintain data integrity, and safeguard the confidentiality of the information provided by our clients.


Rest assured, when working with CarbonTag, your data’s security is our top priority.