Let’s Demistify Product Carbon Footprinting

Our methodology stands out.

Based on GHG Protocol and IPCC Guidelines and compliant with ISO Standards, we calculate PCFs from cradle-to-grave and farm-to-fork.

Why this is important?

Our rigorous and transparent methodology is fully compliant with existing and upcoming regulation. Trustworthy and verifiable green claims are at the heart of our mission, giving our clients the security, they need when tracking their emissions.

Comprehensive Ingredient Level Emissions
In-depth Processing Analysis

Optimised Emission Calculation

Convince yourself

Curious to see the results for your own product line? Start managing your PCFs in your personalised dashboard.

© 2023 CarbonTag | Powered by 8px Studio

Our journey begins at the ingredient level, meticulously analysing the GHG emission  impact of cultivation, harvesting, and initial processing stages. We thoroughly assess energy use, including the direct electricity and fuel needed for these processes. Our scope encompasses the crucial areas of water use and land usage, highlighting the divergent carbon footprints linked to organic and non-organic farming practices. We take into account fertiliser and pesticide emissions and consider the food losses at this stage. For animal-based ingredients, we also delve into the specifics of enteric fermentation, manure management, feed processing, and the use of veterinary medicines.

Our comprehensive approach gives a clear insight into the carbon intensity of each ingredient, ultimately enabling us to pinpoint potential areas for emission reduction and sustainable enhancements.

Post-ingredient procurement, we investigate emissions from processing these ingredients into the final product. This includes energy used in machinery, emissions from waste treatment, and emissions linked to the production of any additional materials used in processing. Packaging also forms a crucial part of our assessment. We take into account the type and amount of packaging used, its production process, transport emissions, and its end-of-life management to provide a holistic view of packaging-related emissions.

Our analysis wouldn’t be complete without considering logistics. We detail the emissions related to transporting and storing ingredients and products. This encompasses a range of factors, from the type of transport used, load factor, refrigeration needs, distance, and energy consumed during loading and unloading, to the energy demands of storage facilities. Furthermore, every product’s life ends somewhere. We evaluate emissions from waste treatment processes, including waste collection, transport, treatment, and disposal, while also considering recycling and composting scenarios where applicable.